Door Maintenance 101: The Ultimate Guide to Maintaining Entry Doors
A couple of dark and light wooden doors with knockers attached to them

It goes without saying that your entry door is the first thing that visitors notice when you invite them. An entry door is where first impressions are formed and judgments concluded. This is why it’s important that you maintain your entry door well and get praises from whoever lays eyes on it.

It’s a good practice to keep an eye out for chips, cracks, and other failings in your entry door. Our experts at Darkinson Doors offer some advice to ensure your front door looks as good as new.

Scrub Your Door Clean

Make a decision to deep clean your house this season and include your entry door in it. Better yet, start cleaning and revamping your house with your front door. Here’s how you can do it:

  • Use the right solution to clean your fiberglass, steel, and wood door.
  • Scrub and wipe wrought iron doors with rust-fighting sprays.
  • Use lint-free cloths and sponges to clean them.
  • Avoid scouring the door and use a very small quantity of water if necessary.
  • Wipe glass-paneled doors with glass cleaners and newspapers.

Before you start cleaning your door using cleaning agents, test it on a small part of the door to observe if it diminishes its color or shine instead of enhancing it.

A yellow scrub on top of a soaped glass panel

Inspecting Your Doors

Doors made from solid wood look luxurious, but they’re also prone to chipping and cracking easily. Keep an eye on not just the actual door, but the hardware components attached to it, such as door fixtures.

  • Observe if the glass panels need replacing due to cracks.
  • Check if the paint is peeling or the finish of the door chipping away.
  • If there’s moisture between glass panels, it implies that the seal between the two panels is broken.
  • The weather strip might be cracked, discolored, or have gaps in it.

Finish inspecting your doors and maintain them by refinishing, repainting, or replacing things.

Tips For Maintaining Entry Doors

Now that you’ve cleaned, inspected, and replaced stuff for your entry door, it’s time to use some other effective tips for maintaining your front door.

  • If you live in a coastal area, clean the bottom of your door regularly to avoid damage from salty water.
  • Avoid using paste wax as it leaves a residue behind and destroys the clean look of doors.
  • Buy a water-based transparent door coat. It protects your door from sunlight. Recoat your door annually or as frequently as needed.
  • Clean away dust and grime by wiping your door with a soft cloth weekly, or as frequently as needed.

Do you think simply cleaning and replacing things in your door won’t do damage control? Get in touch with Darkinson Doors and get a Personalized Home Doors Toledo. We also make rolling doors, home garage doors, and Sectional Overhead Doors Maumee.

Contact us today.


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